Sugar Ray’s Knockout For the Y in Boca


By Marci Shatzman


As soon as legendary boxer Sugar Ray Leonard started his narrative and fight videos, he didn’t need “a decision.” Hundreds of supporters under the tent in Boca for the YMCA’s 23rd Inspiration Breakfast were smitten. Who wouldn’t be?  Looking great at nearly 69, (May 17) Leonard joked about his age and physique. “The guys on the front row were sizing me up,” he kidded as his opening line.


Leonard went on to inspire with upbeat advice on “the power of winning,” everything from determination to goal setting. “Do everything necessary. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.” He talked about moving from defeat to victory. “I was a huge underdog. I proved the critics wrong,” he said about the 1987 fight he won in a split decision against Marvin Hagler. “I turned a negative into a positive.”

His first loss was the 1980 World Welterweight Champion against Roberto Duran. “He beat me because he took down my game plan,” Leonard said with humor, showing the real decision. His message: Stay in control.

Leonard didn’t take questions for the audience, but got a standing ovation and applause from a crowd that’s used to hearing advice from sports celebrities, like Tim Tebow at the Brain Bowl in November. The entire breakfast was staged like boxing match with a boxing announcer and ring onstage. Co-chairs Linda Gunn Paton and Brad Winstead even wore boxing robes at the intro. Terry Fedele on video and in person announced the capital campaign she’s chairing to raise funds for the Peter Blum Family YMCA in Boca’s expansion. “We need to grow to meet the needs of the community,” from infants to seniors, she said. Between the Boca and Boynton Ys, they serve 4,000 people daily, said president and CEO Jason Hagensick.


Robin Deyo staffed a table to give out the capital campaign brochure, and did the invocation. JM Family Enterprises was the breakfast’s presenting sponsor. Rotary Club Downtown Boca sponsored the ‘call to the heart’ fundraiser for program donations.



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