Planet Earth Needs Planetary Lifeguard™ Blowing the Whistle on Climate Change


The Boca Raton Lifeguards Adam & Patch Thank Author Tom Madden

BOCA RATON, FL.—Lifeguards at Florida’s top luxury resort The Boca Raton are raving about author Tom Madden’s latest book, Planetary Lifeguard.

Planetary Lifeguard reports on the havoc carbon emissions from fossil fuels are causing mother earth and what we must do to save her.


Madden who lives just up the beach from The Boca Raton was a lifeguard himself years ago saving people caught up in rip currents in Atlantic City, NJ, where he grew up.


“Some were children trying desperately to make it back to shore, but the current was dragging them further out. Instead of swimming laterally to it, they tried to swim against it, exhausting themselves and now frantically were struggling to keep from drowning,” Madden said.

“I was no saint, but I could swim.  I could see when swimmers were in trouble before they even knew it themselves.”

Fast forward to today!


“Today it is a much deeper, stronger current all of us on earth are caught up in.  It is a current pulling us all toward widespread havoc and global disaster,” he said.

According to Planetary Lifeguard, its roots are a pervasively strengthening current ripping our homes and cities apart caused mostly by carbon emissions clogging our atmosphere and changing our climate for the worse, much worse!

Now you can help Planetary Lifeguard™ rescue mother earth’s future by becoming a Planetary Lifeguard yourself helping to spread corrective advice.


Reading this book, Madden said you can learn about the latest science-based methods to halt, even reverse the devastating effects of climate change from experts like The Global Warming Foundation founder Peter Ticktin, a lifelong Donald J. Trump friend and fan.

As a Planetary Lifeguard™ you’ll learn how TESLA, which has already crushed the legacy automakers, is way more than a car company.  You’ll follow Elon as he pivots TESLA into revolutionizing the $23 trillion ENERGY market creating energy that’s cleaner and storable so cities like Houston will never again suffer prolonged power outages.

Also, if you’re a Planetary Lifeguard™ in a state like Florida that derives 70% of its power from renewables, which could easily be expanded, and the surplus sold to Alabama, drastically reducing its 45% reliance on methane. 

As a Planetary Lifeguard™, you’ll think climate smarter locally as well as globally!  How solar panels can turn roofs into power stations that can improve climate.  


And you’ll meet and greet celebrities galore at PlanetaryLifeguard™ Events who’ll hug you for being a climate activist on steroids!  Occasionally, you’ll be featured in publicity and in media appearances arranged by PlanetaryLifeguard’s PR firm, TransMedia Group, which Madden started when he left NBC.

“Farsighted caring people see our planet worsening but it’s the only home we have. From the catastrophic wildfires in Canada to droughts in East Africa, from the extreme heat waves here in America, to the torrential rainfall and floods in North Carolina, we’re badly in need of inexpensive ROKiT Homes that can be built in just few hours to house the ultimate victims of climate change, the homeless.

“We are on a destructive path toward more floods, fires and hurricanes if we don’t call for help from Planetary Lifeguard who has the solution.”


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